Mind Skills Mastery
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All posts by Karren Kerrisk

How to Renew Your Mindset

As the seasons change, so does our mindset. The arrival of warmer temperatures along with the sun helps shake off the winter’s hibernation. There are patterns in nature, and in how we do the world.

Spring is a great time to facilitate change, and activate new ways of being that accelerate growth and success in your life. The opportunities presented by the change in our environment can be leveraged to enhance the changes you want to make. Read on to find simple tips on how to make change easy.

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Be Prepared For Setbacks

How difficult is it for you to achieve long term success? Whether its improving your relationships, financial situation, sports and health goals, or even a new way of being in the world, sometimes it can seem like you’re going backwards. Setbacks happen and there is a reason why.

Our brains have two primary commands – to keep the body safe, and to conserve energy. Our minds cannot store energy the way our muscles do. As part of this, the brain has a set point – its called homeostasis.

It’s like your brain has a thermostat that has been set to 20 degrees. When we apply new changes of thinking or behaviour, it needs more energy or power and will increase the temperature to say, 25 degrees. Homeostasis then kicks in to make sure the set point of 20 degrees to reduce the energy consumption.

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Up Level Your Performance with Sub Modalities

Learn to up level your performance with an NLP strategy using sub modalities. What are the limiting thoughts in your mind costing you? How valuable is your freedom when you overcome them, and they no longer affect you? For those of you who have worked with us, you will know how quickly we can remove limitations created in your mind. We spent years learning and mastering new code NLP, so our clients can get fast results to significant change.

New code NLP is content free. This means we only need an overview to understand how the programme has been coded in your mind. For traumatic or catalyst events, this is incredibly useful. Revisiting the story or memory only imbeds it deeper into your mind. And the memory is your perception of the event that happens – remember your mind likes to create meaning.

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What If You Don’t Know What You Want?

For many people, knowing what they want is a bit of a hurdle – or a dilemma. While our two weekend workshop – Create Your Future Now – is designed to give you NLP & mind skills and life strategies to accelerate your success and achieve your goals– its useful to know where your success is – or what you want. And many who attend, come with no idea of what they want.


I love road trips. The day before I make sure the petrol tank is full, I check the tyres and water levels, I have my bags packed ready to go, and I have a destination in mind. I will probably give the GPS the coordinates of that destination. It and I know where I’m going. And its often somewhere I’ve never been before.

Not knowing what you want is like not having a destination. You don’t know where you’re going to end up. However, I’d like you to consider that you do know how to find out what you want.

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Social Media Perfectionism


We live in a world of social media claims of instant millionaires and perfect bodies. Perfectly presented photographs and idyllic holiday shots. The world is at our fingertips – full of positivity and instant gratification. Our brains delete that people can post anything they like, using photo editing and perfect copywriting to hook us in. They show the best of themselves and their lives, and certainly not any negativity.

The social media perfect highlights reel is the leading cause of low self-esteem and depression in our youth. Due to the social nature of our need for acceptance, they self judge their lives against the perfection others portray. And even as adults we strive for perfection and to be the digital reflection we use to distract ourselves.

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Fear and Anxiety

Fear can create strong signals of response when we’re in emergencies – for instance, if we are caught in a fire or are being attacked. This is a response to danger and is designed to keep us safe.

NLP WellingtonFear can also run when you’re faced with non-dangerous events coming up, like exams, public speaking, a new job, a date, or even a party. It’s a natural response to a threat that can be either perceived or emotionally real.

Anxiety is a word we use for some types of fear that are usually to do with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, rather than right now. Continue reading

Master Your Mind With NET Time

NLP & Life Coaching Wellington

N.E.T time is coined by Tony Robbins and stands for No Extra Time. These are the moments where you’re doing automated tasks and activities where your conscious mind does not need to be fully engaged. For example – brushing your teeth, driving (for some), showering, housework, walking, working out.
If there is a habit, behaviour or way of thinking you want to change, or new intentions, goals or outcomes you want to bring about, use NET time to engage your conscious mind to focus on them.

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What is Neuro Lingusitic Programming?

“NLP is the use of models and patterns of successful people or genius that can be used to improve flexibility and choice in any situation in your life.” Aaron Waugh

“Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a broad field that began in the mid 1970s modelling excellent communicators – finding out how they did what they did so well. NLP models how we do what we do. In essence it studies the structure of subjective experience – how we create our own unique internal world from what we see, hear and feel, and how in turn our mental world shapes what we allow ourselves to see, hear and feel.

NLP is made up of three parts; What is NLP
Neuro is our neurology – how we think and feel
Linguistic is language – what we say, how we say it and how we are influenced by what we hear
Programming – is how we act to achieve our results.”
Reference; Joseph O’Connor, Leading with NLP

Our neurology, and unconscious –is “programmed” from birth by the things we hear, see, feel and our experiences. The words we hear, or use relate our experiences back to ourselves and others. When triggered, the programmes run automatically.

NLP provides a set of tools to quickly “recode” the programmes to change their impact in our lives, or to enhance them. NLP provides tools to give anyone the ability to choose their thoughts and feelings deliberately, creating useful and beneficial behaviours. It works fast because it is changing programmes at the unconscious level.

NLP is fast, effective and often affects immediate change. Through neuroplasticity, we know that the pathways and patterns of thinking, behaviours and conditions can shift quickly. As a result NLP is  highly effective with PTSD and other disorders of the mind, as well as goal achievement and removing limitations created in the mind. New Code NLP is primarily content free. We work with the pattern and code of the problem, not the content – or story – that relates to the problem, making it an incredibly useful tool for overcoming conditioning and traumatic events.

Contact us to find out more, and discover how the application of NLP can change your life.

Pivot Away from Negative Emotions

NLP & Life Coaching Wellington

Our mind skills tip for today is one way you can change negative thoughts. Remember you are in charge of your mind, your mind doesn’t have to control you.

We all have negative thoughts and emotions. It’s part of the human experience. But there are days when one negative thought can lead to the next one, and another one and another one. And the emotions that come with it just get more annoying, and stronger, until pretty soon what started as a simple thought has ruined not only your day, but your entire life.

There are loads of strategies to think positive:  go for a walk, or flip the thought, but what if the thinking spiral has got you by the short n curlies and you haven’t even had your first coffee? And those emotions have loaded the thinking with a whip and self judgement to help you beat yourself up.

Did you know that human beings are the only creatures that can have a thought about a thought? It can go something like this….“Today is going to be a good day. I said that yesterday and look how that turned out. No, today I’m going to start positive. Oh I’m an idiot, positive thinking doesn’t work. Crap, I’m stupid for calling myself an idiot. I’m such a muppet for calling myself stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. Dumb ass is more like it” And soon you’re feeling quite dumb and totally demotivated to do anything today. Its 7.00am and your day has already turned to crap.

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Mind Your Buts

Today we’re going to look at a linguistic part of NLP, but you might already be using it to your advantage. Learning this NLP language pattern is useful for improving communication and getting your message across.

NLP WellingtonHow often do you notice the word “but” joining sentences. And have you ever noticed that your mind doesn’t focus on what came before the but?

For example “I know you’ve worked really hard this year, putting in extra hours and going above and beyond expectations but there’s a lot you can do to improve.”

“I love you but when are you going to come home on time.”

“I really appreciate all you do, but the lawns still need mowing.”

“You’ve done a great a job on cleaning your room, but your wardrobe floor is a mess.”

‘But’ works like twink, Wite-Out, erasing everything we hear before the word ‘but’ and leaving us helplessly focused on whatever followed it – the bad news. Your mind tends to negate everything that came before the but, and even if you register it, you will retain what came after the but.     Continue reading