Mind Skills Mastery
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What is NLP?

NLP is the use of models and patterns of successful people or genius that can be used to improve flexibility and choice in any situation in your life.

NLP helps people who are living with depression, PTSD, phobias, anxiety, stress, frustration and many more mind related problems. With NLP is it possible to remove any such problems and live a new transformed healthy and happy life.

NLP is the language of the brain. In understanding NLP and using NLP techniques, you can communicate with the brain and achieve amazing results. You can tell your brain (neurology) what to do, instead of it telling you. You can change thoughts, feelings and behaviours that do not support you, and enhance the ones that do. You can change limiting beliefs and thoughts and create new ones that empower you, your career, and your life.

  • Neuro - our neurology - what we think and feel
  • Linguistic - the words we hear and say and the meaning and interpretation we apply to them
  • Programming - our behaviours and habits, actions and reactions, and how we make sense of the world

NLP is also the study of personal and interpersonal communication. We communicate using our words, body (physiology), emotions and experiences. NLP techniques enable us to instantly recognise the results of our communication, and how other people are communicating with us. Utilising NLP we can enhance or develop the ability to manage and lead, convince and mediate, develop skills and resolve issues in any situation with anyone - including ourselves.

NLP provides tools and techniques that can change your past, present and future. You can change how you relate to past events and experiences, how you experience life now, and how you create your future. You choose how to act and react.

NLP has proven strategies to break through limitations in your mind and life to create success in any area of your life. You can take control of your emotions, behaviour, health, finances, relationships and career. You can create a more fulfilling Future, Now.

Mind Skills Mastery utilises NLP in working with clients to enable mental, behavioural, emotional and physical change. We deliver NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner training in Wellington, New Zealand. 

More information about the history of NLP and how it works is provided in this document.